What is a Ceremony?

A ceremony allows us to acknowledge a transition, rite of passage or a new beginning. It can motivate us, stimulate our emotions and prompt memories. The positive effects of a ceremony are universal across civilisations and transcend time.

It can incorporate beauty, music, poetry, choreography and symbolism, which need to be purposely and skilfully integrated into the ceremony’s theme.

 Sun blessed Ceremonies will start your journey whether it be into marriage, a baby´s life or vow renewal. We can create symbolic elements, unique to you and it can be a serious, fun, formal or laid back as you wish. You have total ownership of the ceremony and how it unfolds.

No Sun Blessed ceremony will be the same and you will be given the unique opportunity to create lasting memories for you and your guests. You will share your personalities and stories with me and I will create the magic.

Together we will create a Sacred space where you will feel relaxed and happy so your ceremony will be sun-blessed and joyful.

Photo credit. Quinta Bonita - www.quintabonitaalgarve.com

Our Ceremonies.



If you choose a celebrant wedding it gives you the freedom to create the ceremony you want without any constraints. It can be held on the beach, in a field, a private house or on a boat with none of the normal restrictions surrounding location.

Rather than repeating generic vows that may mean nothing to you, we create vows, solemn promises, heart-felt declarations or humorous stories to make the ceremony meaningful to you.

It can involve your children, pets, family and friends. We can create magic moments and blessings using water, candles, sand or flowers. Anything is possible!

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Baby Namings.

Baby naming ceremonies are a magical way of celebrating the birth of a child and creating a magical memory for the family to hold in their hearts forever.

They are fun and child-orientated and the perfect opportunity to give an older sibling an important role in the life of their new brother or sister. It can incorporate religious elements such as a blessing with water or crowning the baby.

It is however predominantly fun and can be filled with music, bubbles, glitter and light!

All of my baby namings include a bespoke ceremony including blessings, research and explanation of baby names, a unique story for the child and guardian and parent vows.